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Actual Window Manager
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Pin to Desktop

Available in: Actual Window Manager, Actual Window Guard, Actual Title Buttons, Actual Window Menu.

The Pin to Desktop action allows you keeping a particular window always open on the desktop, denying any attempts of its minimization. The pinned window "sticks" to the desktop surface behind all other windows and can't be minimized in any standard way, including Windows system commands "Minimize all" (<Win+M> hotkey) and "Show desktop" (<Win+D> hotkey). Although you still can hide such window using the alternative minimization.

As a side effect, the pinned window also disappears from the <Alt+Tab> sequence.

When window is pinned, its window menu is expanded with the extra Pin to desktop item. You can use this item to toggle the "pinned/unpinned" state of this window.

Hint  This action can be considered as a permanent "sending-to-bottom"; therefore the Send to bottom action is disabled for windows pinned to desktop. Pinning to desktop is good for background windows that are constantly monitoring some long processes and need to be always open, though behind others.

Note  Due to technical limitations, in Windows Vista/7 applying the Pin to Desktop action to a window also disables the Make Transparent/Ghost actions for that window and removes the transparency/ghost effects if they were applied. After unpinning the window from a desktop, these actions become available again.

Related actions: Minimize Alternatively (AltMin), Remove Standard Window Parts, Stay Always-On-Top, Send to Bottom.

Possible triggers: Window Menu, Startup, Quick Window Settings.