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Actual Window Manager,
Actual Virtual Desktops.
Go to the Virtual Desktops property sheet.
Check the Enable Virtual Desktops check box.
Select the desired mode of virtual desktop - classic (creating virtual desktops for the entire desktop) or independent (creating virtual desktops for each monitor separately).
Click the Add item button at the Virtual desktops toolbar.
(Optional) To better identify the just added virtual desktop, click the Desktop Name edit box
and type there the unique and recognizable desktop identifier (we suggest you to name your desktops depending on their
purpose - for example, Work documents, Internet etc.).
(Optional) If you wish to further customize the desktop then click the Custom radio button in the
Wallpaper group of controls and in the corresponding Load wallpaper from selector box browse the
custom wallpaper from the desired folder (also you can select there either the Default radio button to display
the current wallpaper or the Blank radio button if you wish to have a blank background on the desired virtual
(Optional) For quick activation of the desktop using a keyboard shortcut,
click the Enable hotkey check box and modify the key combination.
Repeat steps 3..6 to create as many virtual desktops as you need.
Click OK or Apply to save changes.
Creating classic virtual desktops