Michael Blackkatt
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Всего сообщений: 47
Дата регистрации: 18.05.2015
16.08.2015 01:50:41
Besides the obvious issues here http://www.actualtools.com/beta/
after using the update function in the app to update to beta2. Then restart. I end up with a UAC prompt loop for AWM. Now, installing the downloaded update manually works but whats downloaded is beta 1...
Greg Webb
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 05.06.2007
16.08.2015 02:12:54
I have had the same experience: The update function does not succeed in installing the new version after a reboot. The loop was so tight my laptop was shutting itself down because of over-heating.
I downloaded manually and installed. Unlike Michael Blackkatt I got beta 2 installed.
Alex Fadeyev
Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
16.08.2015 13:23:57
Michael, Greg,
Thank you for your reports. Due to your help, the issue has been fixed.
Alex Fadeyev
Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
16.08.2015 13:25:06
Michael, please try update using auto-update one more time.
Michael Blackkatt
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Всего сообщений: 47
Дата регистрации: 18.05.2015
16.08.2015 13:31:05
Works like a charm, thank you! have a nice day.