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Тема: «AWM 4.4 Beta 2 Testing - Feature Requests - Configuration , Minor Feature Requests for AWM - Configuration Only » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 8029
Tristan Wolf
Всего сообщений: 44
Дата регистрации: 21.02.2007
Создано: 21.02.2007 15:09:17
Alexey, et al.;

Before I begin, let me just say that you have once again provided an
incredible product that solves many issues that I have wished solved
for a long time.  Kudos to you!

Some minor suggestions about the Configuration Manager.  These are
just ideas that I'm coming across while using your product, and
thought I would share with you.

One small feature request for the forums themselves - please implement
a Preview Post function that allows a user to look at a post before
submitting it.  Thank you!

I will tackle any suggestions / feature requests regarding the default
rules, property pages, and additional options in a future post if

Thank you.

[b]01) Configuration Files[/b]
-   I think it would be an interesting feature to incorporate an
easier method to switch between configuration files, instead of the
implemented Import / Export.  I envision a modification that would
allow a user to create a New Configuration File, Open an Existing
Configuration File, Save to the Current Configuration File, and Save
As a Configuration File.  Similiar to what you might see on a standard
text editor, this would allow a user to easier create, edit, save,
etc. multiple configuration files, for instances where the user wants
a different configuration depending on a particular circumstance, or
just wants to create a new configuration to test something out.  Have
these file(s) saved to a default directory inside of My Documents
named Actual Window Manager Configurations.  This would also further
ease the process of having multiple versions installed (regular
version vs. beta version) and such.

[b]02) Mistakes[/b]
-   I make mistakes while using just about any application in the
world.  Like many, the Undo feature of many applications has saved me
a lot of pain.  I think an Undo feature would be a good addition, so
you can easily revert a rule to the state it was before you made your

[b]03) Tool Bar[/b]
-   Add the ability to show a small description on each button, move
buttons around, add new buttons, remove buttons, etc.  Think of what
newer Windows applications allow, such as Microsoft Office 2003 and
Mozilla Firefox.

[b]04) Status Bar[/b]
-   Add a status bar to the program.  The status bar would offer a
brief description of the current option / rule / etc.  For instance,
when selecting the Startup property screen of a rule, the Status Bar
would read "Modify Window Startup Options" or whatever.

[b]05) Menu Bar[/b]
-   The standard menu for essentially any Windows application usually
starts with File, Edit, View, a number of application specific menus,
and ends with Window and Help.  I think mimicking this with AWM
Configuration would make the product easier to use and more intuitive,
as most users are familiar with this layout.
-   Proposed menu layout:
    (Note:  3 Dashes (-) indicates where I would place a divisor line
    in the menu.
    * File
      ** New Configuration (Ctrl - N)
         - Create a new configuration file, either using an existing
         configuration file as a template, or a blank configuration
         file, similiar to what I would see after I install AWM.  See
         #01 above.
      ** Open Configuration... (Ctrl - O)
         - Open an existing configuration file.  See #01 above.
      ** Close Configuration (Ctrl - W)
         - Close the current configuration file.  See #01 above.
      ** ---
      ** Save Configuration (Ctrl - S)
         - Save the current configuration file.  See #01 above.
      ** Save Configuration As... (Ctrl - Shift - S)
         - Save the current configuration file, while prompting for
         the location / file name.  See #01 above.
      ** ---
      ** Exit Configuration Manager (Alt - F4)
         - Exit the Configuration Manager without exiting AWM.
    * Edit
      ** Undo Rule Change (Ctrl - Z)
         - Undo the most recent change made to the current rule.  See
         #02 above.
      ** Redo Rule Change (Ctrl - Y)
         - Redo the most recent change that was undone by the Undo
         command made to the current rule.  See #02 above.
      ** ---
      ** Cut Rule (Ctrl - X)
         - Copy the contents of the current rule to the clipboard and
         remove the rule from the configuration.
      ** Copy Rule (Ctrl - C)
         - Copy the contents of the current rule to the clipboard and
         leave the rule in the configuration.
      ** Paste Rule (Ctrl - V)
         - Paste the contents of the current rule in the clipboard to
         the configuration.
      ** Clear Rule
         - Clear all elements from the current rule, exluding the
         options under Target Window.  Sets all options equal to that
         of All Windows.  Replaces Retore to Defaults.
      ** Delete Rule (Ctrl - D)
         - Remove the current rule from the configuration.
      ** ---
      ** Options...
         - Open the Options window.
    * View
      ** Toolbars
         *** General Toolbar
             - Ability to show / hide the general toolbar.  See #03
      ** Status Bar
         - Ability to show / hide the status bar.  See #04 above.
      ** ---
      ** Text Size
         - Similiar to what you would find on a web browser.  Scales
         the text / object size of all elements, allowing to see more
         on a screen or making things easier to read.
    * Actual Window Manager
      ** Load / Unload Actual Windows Manager.
         - One option instead of two, as is current.  Toggles between
         the two, depending on the current state.
      ** Enable / Disable Actual Windows Manager.
         - One option instead of two, as is current (instead of Start
         / Stop).  Toggles between the two, depending on the current
      ** ---
      ** Enable All Rules (Ctrl - =)
         - Enable all rules in the current configuration.
      ** Disable All Rules (Ctrl - -)
         - Disable all rules in the current configuration.
    * Rule Order
      ** Move Up (Alt - Up Arrow)
         - Move the current rule up one.  Same functionality as is
      ** Move Down (Alt - Down Arrow)
         - Move the current rule down one.  Same functionality as is
      ** ---
      ** Sort Ascending
         - Sort all rules in ascending alphabetic order.
      ** Sort Descending
         - Sort all rules in descending alphabetic order.
    * Window
      - I see no reason to have this menu option, unless you intend to
      build functionality that allows a user to see multiples rules at
      the same time.
    * Help
      ** Contents (F1)
         - Context help.  Same functionality as is current.
      ** ---
      ** Actual Tools Website
         - Open browser to  Same functionality as
         is current.
      ** Actual Tools Manager Website
         - Open browser to  Same
         functionality as is current.
      ** Actual Tools Manager Website Forums
         - Open browser to
      ** ---
      ** Check for Updates
         - Add functionality that checks the current version against
         the latest version on the website.  Direct to download if
         neccesary.  This is prefered over a newsletter.
      ** ---
      ** Tell a Friend
         - Write an email to a friend.  Same functionality as is
         current, but I would not include the first paragraph as is.
      ** Submit Configuration to Tech Support
         - Submit the current configuration file to tech support, and
         possibly direct the user directly to the Technical Support
         forum on the website.
      ** ---
      ** About...
         - Display current program, version number, date updated,
         copywrite, etc.  Same functionality as is current.
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1452
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 07.03.2007 02:36:52
Tristan, thank you very much for your high appreciation of our software and for such a rich and detailed feedback!

I have added all your suggestions to our wishlist so they surely will be considered while developing the next major update of Actual Tools.

Please keep to provide us with other interesting ideas, thoughts and suggestions if any. Many thanks in advance!

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