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Тема: «Actual Window Manager 4.4 beta 1 is available! , One major usability improvement and many useful features » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 13004
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 23.01.2007 06:31:46
Actual Tools has released the 1st beta version of Actual Window Manager 4.4.

Here is the short list of changes and improvements:

[ ! ] The long-awaited feature of "smart saving" is added: now only relevant windows will re-apply their settings when the configuration has been saved.
[ + ] The long-awaited feature is added: now all the minimized windows can be restored via Control Center popup menu's "Unhide" item.
[ + ] The Window Scaler plugin is added: it provides the ability to automatically or manually reposition/resize your currently opened windows to keep them within desktop when its resolution is changed (it's very useful when working with the same workstation both locally and through the Remote Desktop client).
[ + ] The translation to the Brazilian Portuguese language is added.
[ * ] Run-time memory consumption is slightly reduced.
[ * ] Now the Configuration Module remembers its main toolbars' placement.
[ * ] The transparency effect compatibility with Stardock WindowBlinds is improved.
[ * ] The "Unused Buttons" button (grouping button) is improved: now it takes the icon of assigned function, if mouse-hovered.
[ * ] The title buttons' appearance in non-standard XP themes is improved.
[ - ] The bug with Microsoft Project 2002/2003 is fixed.
[ - ] The bug with command shell extenders (like 4NT) is fixed.

You can download it here.

I strongly recommend the following way of installation to avoid conflicts with the previous version of AWM:

1) install this beta into a separate folder (for example, "C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 4.4 beta 1"). Don't run AWM just after the installation!

2) run your current version's Configuration, open the "Options" window and clear the "Load at startup" checkbox

3) copy your current version's WindowRules.ini settings file from the folder where you installed the release version of Actual Window Manager ("C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager" by default) to the folder created at step 1

4) run the beta version's Configuration, open the "Options" window and mark the "Load at startup" checkbox

5) restart you PC!
Glenn Wilcox
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Всего сообщений: 19
Дата регистрации: 31.01.2007
Создано: 31.01.2007 15:07:18
There is an error in the beta 4.4 version...

When selecting "Options" and changing an option (e.g. Enable Tray Icon) the following error message appears: 'Invalid variant type conversion'

-Doc X36
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 11.04.2005
Создано: 09.02.2007 23:51:14
The "Invalid variant type conversion" issue is known.  However, lately, I have been getting that error immediately when I open ActualWindowManagerConfig.exe.  Also, I cannot see or change any settings in AWM config.  When I select any existing window rules (or if I create a new one), nothing at all (but a blank, grey space) appears on the right.
Alexey Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 21.02.2007 07:04:21
The mentioned issue seems to be fixed in the recently released beta 2 of Actual Window Manager 4.4.

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