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Тема: «AWM Title Buttons , Not calculating y-axis correctly for Firefox v30.0 » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 14103
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 302
Дата регистрации: 27.07.2010
Создано: 28.07.2014 15:24:54
Thanks for you very fast reply.

Yes, Firefox does remove the "Caption/Title" when maximized. Which causes problems with AWM if you have added title buttons. I have to laugh (in a good way), I agree, it is the natural behavior of Firefox. I know Actual Tools developers are masters of your craft. I'd like to propose the ability for AWM to retain (or add) the Caption/Title, so the added AWM title buttons don't interferer with the tabs. I realize or I'm guessing the pop-up title button was a solution to this problem. I'd like to say it would be very, very cool to have the ability to retain (add, keep) whatever results in having the caption. It's interesting that Microsoft Office (2013), at least of Outlook, retains the caption, therefore, this concern is not obviously discovered. If this occurs in Google's Chrome (which I don't frequently use), having this "retain caption/title" would be great for end-users who encounter this UX/UI issue and would have the ability to resolve.

What are your thoughts?


Alexander Mihalkin

Всего сообщений: 502
Дата регистрации: 21.04.2014
Создано: 28.07.2014 21:04:05
We will consider the possibility of implementation of this feature. Thank you for your request, Zardoz!

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