24.02.2012 03:48:54
Alex, I'm not sure what "Window Caption" you are referencing or the problem I'm having. Is this in regards to the missing buttons that occur under XYplorer?
Alex Fadeyev
Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
24.02.2012 04:55:42
Zardoz2293, yes, I suggested you to modify the settings for XYplorer dialogs (in the last config we received from you, Window Caption there was set to "^Custom Move" and Program was "\XYcopy.exe"). BTW, you should revert Program back to "\XYplorer.exe" as well.
24.02.2012 14:39:52
Alex, I've tested and the problem has been resolved. Thanks!
There is one thing that AWM cannot do directly related to this. Using XYplorer as the example, you can test with performing a Custom Copy with very long process (lots of files and/or very large files). When the Windows Caption changes frequently, AWM doesn't never applies the AWM settings.
As in "24% (424 MG/sec) - Custom Copy" using the "- Custom Copy" for the Window Caption. I've never been able to have the AWM attributes set while the copy was in progress, I notice the Windows Caption for this dialog updates frequently.
Update: WinRAR also has this condition, where the Windows Caption is updated and changed after the initial displayed. Such as "Creating" then it will change to "Testing".
Vasiliy Ivachev
Всего сообщений: 2073
Дата регистрации: 09.11.2010
26.02.2012 23:28:29
Hello Zardoz2293,
Thanks for the message.
We know about this problem but can't fix it now.
We'll continue our investigations of how we could improve this behavior.
Best regards.
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 302
Дата регистрации: 27.07.2010
03.08.2013 03:04:00
(RESOLVED) -- thanks!!!
Sincerely, Lars