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Тема: «AWM 6.5 b1 Restrict Placement still doesn't work right » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 4446
Mike Brazil
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 136
Дата регистрации: 19.07.2010
Создано: 07.03.2011 23:23:41
According to the What's New for Actual Window Manager 6.5 beta 1, you made changes to correct the Restrict Placement problem I had reported in my post of 28.02.2011 in the Tech Support forum. Apparently, there is still some work that needs to be done regarding Restrict Placement.

The Restrict Placement values apparently are offsets that refer to the edges of the entire desktop area comprising both monitors. This isn't stated in the Restrict Placement area where these values are displayed or in the help. I think this needs to be prominently and clearly explained in both places. My initial assumption was that, since I'd selected Move at startup to monitor | Exactly specified | Monitor 2, the Restrict Placement coordinate values would refer to the borders of that monitor, not the borders of the entire desktop.

While the target tool now does obtain a functional set of coordinates for the app, some of the coordinate values displayed in AWM still seem to be incorrect or at least misleading.

In the example I provided in my earlier post, I stated that the app window is 1294 x 1036 and is aligned top-left on monitor 2 (1280 x 1024 resolution) and is offset -14 L and -4 T. The values shown in Restrict Placement for this app are -1294 L, -4 T, 1920 R, and 168 B. Shouldn't the value for Left be -14 rather than -1294?

Also, since the app window is displayed only on monitor 2, it seems confusing that the value for Bottom is 168 rather than 0. I understand that, since it's referencing the borders of the entire desktop area, that's where the 168 is derived from, but on the monitor the app window is occupying, those last 168 pixels don't exist.

Maybe the best answer to this situation overall would be to add a checkbox so the user could choose whether to reference the offsets to a specific monitor or to the entire desktop area.


Vasiliy Ivachev
Всего сообщений: 2073
Дата регистрации: 09.11.2010
Создано: 09.03.2011 01:35:17
Hello Mike,

Thanks for the post.

Maybe the best answer to this situation overall would be to add a checkbox so the user could choose whether to reference the offsets to a specific monitor or to the entire desktop area.

We'll try to add this possibility.

Best regards.

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