Greg Webb
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 141
Дата регистрации: 05.06.2007
19.06.2010 21:06:06
I'm not sure if this is a bug or insufficient functionality.
I use AWM to decide if I want to be prompted whenever I try to close Firefox - 'Are you sure you want to close Firefox'.
My action for Firefox is activated if the title contains '- Mozilla Firefox'. The action is Prevent window from accidentally closing - Confirm close.
Firefox changes the the window title according to the tab currently in focus. Whilst there is a tab connected to a web page, the window title will be of the form 'xxxx xxxxx - Mozilla Firefox'. If I close all tabs so that no web page is displayed, the Firefox Window title reverts to 'Mozilla Firefox'. If I close Firefox now, AWM does NOT realise the window title has changed and the test 'window title contains' IS triggered when in fact the result of the test should be negative.
Hope this makes sense.
Alex Fadeyev
Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
28.06.2010 12:27:03
Hi, Greg!
First of all - nice to see you here.
To the issue: do you try to say that "Mozilla Firefox" title string DOES NOT contain "Mozilla Firefox"?