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Тема: «[Bug] AWM 5.5 b1 has problems with VLC if forced to stay on top » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 7083
Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2009
Создано: 15.10.2009 06:20:50
If VLC is forced to stay on top, and one watches a movie in full screen mode without deselecting this option - after the movie ends and returns to the normal window size - VLC is crashed.

Steps for repeating this issue:
1) Open VLC (I spare me the install part *lol*)
2) Set it to stay on top
3) Sart a movie and switch to full screen
4) Move to the end of the movie and wait until the movie ends.

Result: VLC is crashed

My system:
OS: Windows 7 RTM
VLC: 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
AWM: 5.5 b1
Tatiana Jack
Всего сообщений: 616
Дата регистрации: 06.08.2008
Создано: 19.10.2009 03:10:54
Unfortunately, we fail to reproduce the situation on our test machine.

Do you have any non-standard Plugins or extensions for the player? Could you try to turn off it and reproduce the situation?

Dennis Winter
Всего сообщений: 6
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2009
Создано: 20.10.2009 02:48:25
Nope, it is a plain new Windows 7 RTM (not the Release Candidate) installation and VLC has no plugins either.

And if I switch of AWM everything is fine.
Also when the "Stay on Top" option is deactivated.
Only in the case it's active it fails 100%.


PS: I tried to reprudce this with Windows XP - No problem at all. SO it either has to do with Win 7 or my computer.
I will set up a second computer with Win 7 in the next week, than I wil try it with a virgin version of Win 7 + VLC + AWM - nothing else installed.
Tatiana Jack
Всего сообщений: 616
Дата регистрации: 06.08.2008
Создано: 21.10.2009 03:53:32
Oh, Dennis, thank you!

We were able to reproduce the situation on Win 7 RTM with the activated Aero Theme.

We'll try to fix it.

Alexander Belyakov
Всего сообщений: 196
Дата регистрации: 07.06.2007
Создано: 19.11.2009 04:25:59
Dennis, could you please create a new exclusion with the following settings:

[x] Window class : VLC DirectX
[ ] Window caption:
[x] Program : \vlc.exe

After we've added this one, VLC stopped to crash/hang-up. Perhaps the exclusion will work for you too.
Please post here, if this solution helps or not.

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