Nicholas Dudfield
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Всего сообщений: 14
Дата регистрации: 09.11.2007
09.11.2007 00:44:25
Maybe this isn't the best place but I am rushed at the moment and wanted to share this idea while I remembered.
It would be good if you could have inheritance from the default options and all others over ride. General to specific bla.
When you have like 30-50 management options it's kind of a pain to have to update them all to a new wanted *baseline*
Eg. I just got a new monitor and wanted to put a move to monitor title bar button on every rule.
Different options..
Inherit from default: Static - inherits at beginning. kind of like as it is now but I am not sure if new rules are based on the default?
Inherit from default: Dynamically - Inherits and changes as the default changes.
Sorry if I am unclear but I am sure people get the idea.
Think CSS rules managment.
Michael Rezvanov
Всего сообщений: 387
Дата регистрации: 31.01.2007
09.11.2007 01:18:09
Hi Nicholas,
Yes, we've understood you. Thank you for your interesting feature request (actually it's not the first one related to such an issue). It is registered in our to-do list. The problem is that this task isn't trivial in it's nature. We should consider the possibility of its implementation.
Alexey Fadeyev
Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
22.04.2008 03:03:39
In the last beta (AWM 5.1 beta 1) we have implemented the ability to select several rules at once and edit them altogether. Could you test this feature and tell us is it sufficient to solve the problem you described in your first message? Thank you!