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Тема: «Problem with Drag n Drop on Screen Icons » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 4148
Bertram Vogel
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 64
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2012
Создано: 19.11.2012 14:49:07

The Minimize-to-Screen icons now react on drag-n-drop attempts: they restore the minimized window so that you can drop there the dragged item.

This works nice, but i have encountered some bugs:

1. If the screen-icon is "permament" and the window is NOT minimized (i.e. visible at the moment) and i drag a file over the screen-icon, the window is minimized. This is annoying if i want to drag a file to the window and the permanent screen-icon "lies on the path" so i have to move the file around the icon, so i do not touch it.

2. I have encountered this problem only with notepad.exe so far and only when the screen icon is NOT "permament":
If i have a notepad.exe window open and minimze it to screen and then drag anoter .txt-file on the screen-icon, the old notepad-window gets restored (as expected), but notepad.exe freezes and has to be terminated using the task manager. (Note: this does NOT happen, if the screen icon is "permament".)

3. This is only a problem with Excel 2003 and only only when the screen icon is NOT "permament":
If i minimize an excel window to screen and restore it, it is restored but the menu-bar and all excel-toolbars are missing (see the attached picture).
Note: This happens all the time and seems not related to drag-n-drop.

Best regards,

I use Windows XP Prof. 32-bit, AWM 7.3 beta 2

Alex Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 19.11.2012 23:13:26
Bertram, thank you for such a detailed report (it's indeed a great luck for us to have you among our beta testers!).

Here are my comments:

1. This is fixed, thanks to your report.

2. We have failed to reproduce this issue in the same environment. It seems the problem is specific for your system only.

3. This has been fixed recently, the final version should work as expected.

Keep your testing up! :)

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