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Тема: «BUGS in AWM 6.8. beta 1 » в форуме: Beta Testing   Просмотров: 46678
Alex Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 18.09.2012 03:35:53
Bertram Vogel wrote:
Also it would be nice if there was a separator in the list between windows minimized to tray and windows minimized to screen.

Bertram, I'd like to inform you that this request has been fulfilled in the just released beta 1 of Actual Window Manager 7.3.

Also, I'd like to return to the following topic:

Bertram Vogel wrote:
3) AltMin-Options If i have the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu there is also automatically an options submenu ("Options" -> "AltMin"). This submenu should also appear if i have the "AltMin"-TitleButton but NOT the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu. (This should also apply to all similar cases)

Please let me explain the situation: actually, you don't need to AltMin-Options submenu in the window's system menu when you have the AltMin title button enabled - you can access this menu by right-clicking this button! :)

By the way, this context menu is also the reason why we don't provide two different buttons for minimizing to tray and to screen: you can select the desired way of minimization on the fly using the "Minimize to tray" and "Minimize to screen" commands in this menu. (IIRC, you made a request about two separate buttons some time ago - this is the answer :) ).
Bertram Vogel
Advanced user
Всего сообщений: 64
Дата регистрации: 14.01.2012
Создано: 19.11.2012 13:19:19
Hello Alex,

sorry for the really late response.

Bertram, I'd like to inform you that this request has been fulfilled in the just released beta 1 of Actual Window Manager 7.3.
Works fine, thanks :)!

Please let me explain the situation: actually, you don't need to AltMin-Options submenu in the window's system menu when you have the AltMin title button enabled - you can access this menu by right-clicking this button! smile:)

By the way, this context menu is also the reason why we don't provide two different buttons for minimizing to tray and to screen: you can select the desired way of minimization on the fly using the "Minimize to tray" and "Minimize to screen" commands in this menu. (IIRC, you made a request about two separate buttons some time ago - this is the answer smile:) ).
Ahhh, i didn't know this menu pops also up on right-clicking the button. Never tried this. Ok, then you are completly right and can dismiss both of my corresponding feature requests.

Best regards,
Alex Fadeyev

Всего сообщений: 1436
Дата регистрации: 30.09.2005
Создано: 19.11.2012 23:04:48
Hello Bertram,

sorry for the really late response.

You don't have to apologize - we are always glad to see you here again. :)

Ok, then you are completly right and can dismiss both of my corresponding feature requests.

Nice to hear that. BTW, other title buttons (not all of them though but many ones) also have their context menus - just check it on your own. Also, you can find more information on this topic here.

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